Tran Tien Dat

This website was created

By Tran Tien Dat

Favorite foods

  • Apple
  • beefsteak
  • Crab
  • strawberry
  • Eat everything
My Childhood

Dat wcas born at february 08,2000 in Vinh Phuc-Vietnam. Dat was the son of Tran Van Chuyen who was an accountant.Dat was also the son to Mary Maxwell Gates.Dat has one younger brother named Hieu . At a young age Tien Dat parents had a buisness mind for him.

At the age of thirteen Dat enrolled at Lakeside school an exclusive private school. Dat aced every single class they taught and soon came to beone of the smartest kids in Lakeside school. In the eight grade the Mothers club bought an ASR-33 teletype terminal and a block of computer time on a general electric, (GE is computer time for schools students).

Dat took an interest in programming the GE system in BASIC and was excused from math to pursue his interest. After the experiece Gates had he wrote his first computer program on this machine on piece of paper: a game of tic-tac-toe that allowed users to play against the computer. In 1972 Tien Dat and his best friend Roan quing Ling formed a venture caled Traf-O-Data, to make traffic countersbased on Intel 8008 procesor. That year he made $20,000.


Tran Tien Dat vanladat
